Public Monero Remote Nodes List
Monero remote node is a device on the internet running the Monero software with full copy of the Monero blockchain that doesn't run on the same local machine where the Monero wallet is located.
Host:Port | Nettype | Protocol | Country | Status | Estimate Fee | Uptime ▴▾ | Check ▴ |
.onion:18089 TOR | mainnet 3331371 | http (CORS 💪) | Online ••••• | 20000 | 96.6% [Logs] | 4s ago | |
.onion:18089 TOR | mainnet 3331352 | http | Online ••••• | 20000 | 97.36% [Logs] | 7s ago | |
:18081 | mainnet 3331371 | http | Seattle, United States AS36352 (AS-COLOCROSSING) | Online ••••• | 20000 | 99.66% [Logs] | 8s ago |
:18089 | mainnet 3331371 | http | United Arab Emirates AS59692 (IQWeb FZ-LLC) | Online ••••• | 20000 | 96.61% [Logs] | 8s ago |
:18081 | mainnet 3326887 | http | Elblag, Poland AS60810 (ATMEL sp. z o. o.) | Online ••••• | 20000 | 99.8% [Logs] | 12s ago |
.onion:24189 TOR | mainnet 3331370 | http | Online ••••• | 20000 | 95.41% [Logs] | 26s ago | |
.onion:18081 TOR | mainnet 3331370 | http | Online ••••• | 20000 | 97.23% [Logs] | 28s ago | |
:18081 | mainnet 3331370 | http | Sindelfingen, Germany AS3320 (Deutsche Telekom AG) | Online ••••• | 20000 | 98.69% [Logs] | 34s ago |
:28081 | testnet 2674733 | http | Taipei, Taiwan AS3462 (Data Communication Business Group) | Online ••••• | 20000 | 99.87% [Logs] | 39s ago |
.onion:21089 TOR | mainnet 3331370 | http | Online ••••• | 20000 | 95.94% [Logs] | 56s ago |
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- If you find any remote nodes that are strange or suspicious, please open an issue on GitHub for removal.
- Uptime percentage calculated is the last 1 month uptime.
- Est. Fee here is just fee estimation / byte from
RPC call method. - Malicious actors who running remote nodes still can return high fee only if you about to create a transactions.
- The best and safest way is running your own node!
- Nodes with 0% uptime within 1 month with more than 300 check attempt will be removed. You can always add your node again latter.
- You can filter remote node by selecting on nettype, protocol, country, tor, and online status option.
- If you want to add more remote node, you can add them using /add-node page.
- I deliberately cut the long Tor and I2P addresses, click the 👁 hostname... to open more detailed information about the Node.
- You can found larger remote nodes database from
- If you are developer or power user who like to fetch Monero remote node above in JSON format, you can read Public API Monero Remote Node List blog post for more detailed information.
Remote node can be used by people who, for their own reasons (usually because of hardware requirements, disk space, or technical abilities), cannot/don't want to run their own node and prefer to relay on one publicly available on the Monero network.
Using an open node will allow to make a transaction instantaneously, without the need to download the blockchain and sync to the Monero network first, but at the cost of the control over your privacy. the Monero community suggests to always run and use your own node to obtain the maximum possible privacy and to help decentralize the network.